
Horses thrive in herds where they relate to each other in a hierarchical order, with set boundaries, play and clear communication, all while being fully present and congruent with their individual natures. The horse herd functions successfully with leadership that supports safety, comfort, social interactions, and tending to each member's needs.
Within a herd of horses, there is a wealth of wisdom and intelligence that can be incorporated into creating healthy, honest and constructive interactions with any group of people.
Humans share with horses the same innate desire to be part of a bigger social group and engage in a communal exchange of contributions that lead to well-being and prosperity.
Life Coaching with Horses 501 (c)(3) for groups offers a unique combination of lively and practical interactions with horses, encouraging discussions, individual and grouped guidance from the coaches, and team-building activities enabling participants to:
Gain valuable insights into human patterns of relating to others,
Shift the dynamics of roles and responsibilities within a team,
Learn to listen beyond words and to respond with clarity.
Set and honor healthy boundaries.
Bring out the inner sense of play within their surroundings.
Strengthen communication about their needs.
Leaving busy workplaces, taking in the revitalizing beauty of natural surroundings, and spending a day together with horses may be precisely what a hard-working team needs. Our relaxed paced workshops evoke self-care, inspire creative and playful connections outside the work environment, help with dissolving limiting beliefs, and promote practicing grace and compassion toward coworkers.
To be safe and comfortable in our ranch setting, we advise clients to wear outdoor, weather-appropriate clothing and covered toe footwear. Light snacks, drinks and lunch are provided, but clients are responsible for specific food restrictions.
Please explore our website for more information, and contact us directly to create a schedule exclusively for your group.